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Thursday, 20 October 2016

Virgil Makes Shameless Attempt to Get into Hogans Good Graces

In a recent interview, Mike Jones, the former Virgil in the WWF, ha made one of the more surprising statements in the wake of the Hulk Hogan / Gawker controversy.
Taking the position of defending the Hulkster, Jones has suggested that the whole thing is fake, and Hulks face, voice and presumably, his floppy weiner too, were digitally created, and that hogan would never have done any of these things.
This mirrors the laughable defence that R Kelly attempted during his trial for ‘sexual misconduct’
It is not known what Jones is basing this claim on, or whether Gawker has the Avatar level of technology required to accomplish this feat of deception, or indeed why they would bother.
Some have queried Jones motivation, suggesting that it might be less about the truth and more about paying is Visa bill. The former Vincent has been out of the wrestling spotlight for well over twenty years and may be making a play for the position of Smithers to Hogan’s Mr Burns, now that Brutus Beefcake and Brian Knobs appear to be out of the picture.
Hans wishing to discuss the claims further can find Jones at any upcoming wrestling fan-fest, where he will be sitting at the table that has no line.

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