Even Hulk Hogan - a man who should try and avoid social media for a while, or…. forever has taken to twitter to pay his respects to the the boxer they call The Greatest.
Now, this being The Hulkster, rather than express his sorrow at the loss and leave it there, he has taken the opportunity to mine even further the rich seam of insanity that is his version of history.
Tweeting on the evening after the news broke, possibly from a bar, possibly with the aid of increasing amounts of tequila, the messages progressed from heartfelt praise for Ali, to some utterly bizarre claims
The timeline of the key tweets was:
9.07pm “RIP Ali. You were the greatest brother, you will be missed” Fairly straightforward so far.
9.18pm “Ali and the Hulkster, the two greatest of all time, see you in heaven, Jack” Associating himself with Ali, a little vain but still ok.
10.35pm “Sorry I had to beat you in that match dude but the Hulkster was invincible at the time #Paris77” Apparently he won the fictitious bout, and the venue changed
10.40pm “When I slammed Ali in front of 100,000 people in the Silverdome brother, I shocked the world. #RIPAli” Clearly getting confused between Ali and Andre the Giant. Easy mistake to make.
11.36pm “Remembering the time Me, Ali & Elvis rode our Harley into MSG in '82 #Memories” Now he’s bringing Elvis into the madness. And he had been dead for five years by this point
12.01am “Me & Ali had a closed doors boxing match at his gym in Manilla. 14 rounds of brutality. #WeWereNeverTheSameAfterwards” Looks like Hogan is confusing himself with Joe Frazier here.
12.02am “I didn’t want to beat Ali, but Hulkamania ran wild that nite. Knocked Ali’s ass out” Not only confusing himself with Frazier, but changing that result too
1.07am “Before he went out for the count Ali whispered ‘I’m passing the torch to you Hulkster’” Oookay
1.10am “Before he went out for the count Ali whispered ‘NWO for life” Very prescient of Ali there, considering the NWO wouldn’t exist until 1996
1.12am “Before he went out for the count Ali whispered Hulkamania is truly the most powerful force”. Lot of whispering from a knocked out Ali here
1.15am “Before he went out for the count Ali whispered ‘matter what anyone may say one day, Hulk Hogan is not a racist” Hints of revisionist history there from the Hulkster. But its his imagination so if he wants to include statements like that in something that never happened, that’s his prerogative.
The last few tweets makes it look like Hogan was trying to find the best thing to claim Ali said and mistakenly tweeted them all instead of saving to draft or deleting.
1.30am. “Me & Ali invented UFC in 79 in Berlin brother. First no holds barred match ever” Looks like the date and location have changed once again.
1.35am “Conor MacGregor & Rousey should pay me royalties Jack. I invented the sport they getting rich off” Grammar starting to fail
1.37am “@DanaWhiteUFC. Brother, you owe me forty years of checks brother. #PayTheHulkster”. UFC wasn’t around forty years ago, but never mind, thats the least of the issues here.
1.44am “#HoganUFC200. Hulkstr shold b there. Still undfeeted MMA Champ” Spelling really suffering now. Tequila bottle emptying perhaps?
1.47am “#HoganUFC200 Retweet if u thnk Hulk shud be at UFC”. This received about 400 retweets.
1.48am “#HoganUFC200 I invented PPV too, they owe me”
1.57am “#HoganUFC200 I could beat @BrockLesnar with one hand. @DanaWhite make the match”
1.59am “#HoganUFC200 I’ll kick Lesnars ass”
These tweets suggest that Hogan was fully enveloped by his fantasy of meeting and beating Ali in a legit shoot fight at some indeterminate point in the late 70’s, and was trying to get a payday by starting a #HoganUFC200 trend.
2.15am From @BrockLesnar “@HulkHogan, anytime old man, get in the octagon I’ll kill your orange ass
2.16pm Previous two Hogan tweets deleted. No further activity on the account
The following morning, Hogan claimed his account was hacked and apologised to Lesnar.
Curiously, Hogan failed to mention the times he was legitimately in Ali’s presence, such as the first Wrestlemania, and Hogans failed attempt at reliving that glory in WCW in 1994.
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