Volume 3 – The trials and tribulations of potty training “Immediately, 'The Man' tried to get me to conform to his standards, but I wasn;t like the others in my tiny Welsh village, I yearned for more! Which is why I stayed in nappies (diapers) until I was eleven years old. They called me weird, but weird is what made me money all my life
Volumes 4 & 5 – His first day at school. Not the tale of his time at his first school, both volumes cover JUST the first day. It’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions, naps, pant wetting ‘accidents’ culminating in a triumphant finger painting of his family followed by sausages and beans for dinner. Emotional stuff
Volume 6 – Mostly his reflections on the influence of television on a six year old Adrian. They only had one small black and white tv in the whole tiny Welsh village that he grew up in. Despite being in Wales and a decade late, he was somehow able to see the Dumont Network and was inspired by the likes of Gorgeous George.
Volume 7 – The whole book tells the tale of Christmas morning 1946. All he wanted was a little Dolly Doris, but his father, being a coal miner and not wanting his son to grown up 'bent' bought him boxing gloves instaed. "Maybe if they had just got me that doll, I wouldn;t have wanted to fight the world, but by giving me those gloves, they not only gave me the desire to fight, but also the tools!" "Didn't stop me from covering them in pink glitter though"
Volume 8 – Attending Phyphelli Middle school, the trials and tribulations of wearing glittery eye shadow to Rugby practice, and the first time people thought he was gay because he refused to agree with his friends view that “girls smell”.
Upcoming volumes
Volume 9 - A slight diversion from the linear storytelling as he debates the various names he considered for his character, before landing on Adrian Street. Brian Avenue, Gerald P Throughfare, Jake Pavement, Stuart Highway, and Peter 'Junction 13 off the M6' Polowski
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