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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

WWE Top 50 Villain List Gets Political

Comedy "wrestling" troupe, WWE recently revealed it's list of the top fifty villains in it's history, and it is clear that a certain degree of personal bias managed to find it's way into the final countdown.

Most of the list consists of the standard fare - Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Ivan Koloff, etc, complete with glowing descriptions of their in-ring abilities, mastery of psychology and how much the fans loved to hate them.

Slightly more surprising are some of the non-wrestlers that made the cut, Eric Bischoff is understandable to most as he did eventually work for the company and appeared in the ring from time to time.    What has caused a few raised eyebrows is the inclusion of villains who never worked for WWE, but are perceived as being 'enemies of the state', such as former head of TBS - Ted Turner - and L Brent Bozell, who, like Turner has not been a threat to the WWE for two decades, which in the mind of Vince McMahon may as well be this morning in terms of his holding a grudge.

But the entries that stand out the most are notable less for the individual but for some of the contoversial, and personal, descriptions used for them, such as:

No 46: Iron Sheik - "Batshit crazy former Champion who is only on the list because we owe him for transitioning the title onto Hulk Hogan, frankly he was a fat bastard who we thought was expendable - what, we were gonna sacrifice Muraco in 1983? Are you mad?  Speaking of which, who would have thought that in 2017, the Iron Sheiks twitter feed would be more socially acceptable than Hulk Hogan?"

At least they stopped short of calling
him "HIV Positive Wolverine"
No 43: Big Show - "Largest professional athlete in the world who wreaked havoc during the early Attitude Era. He debuted by destroying a cage at St Valentines Day Massacre, then went on to try and destroy the whole WWE by wasting his size, talent and a shitload of company money by diving into a pool full of cheeseburgers and coming up 100lb overweight and no fucking use to anybody.

No 38: CM Punk - "Sinister leader of the cult-like Straight Edge society who was so loathed by fans that they still chant his name in hatred years after he quit the WWE in a hissy fit like the whiny little bitch he is.  Aww, did baby get a staph infection? waah, waah.  Why not go to MMA and get your boney ass kicked by a nobody - oh wait, you already did that, hah!"

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Worlds Scariest Human Also Into Guns

Braun Strowman, the product of the unholy union between the biblical Behemoth and another, even larger behemoth has launched his own YouTube show about guns, because if there is anyone on the planet who needs to be armed, it is the seven foot, 380 lb basket of fury.

This man with an AK-47 is still
less harmful YouTube
viewing than Pew-De-Pie
In the show, Braun, a legitimate contender for Worlds strongest man with a truly bizarre beard, speaks enthusiastically about his favorite weapons for killing people and animals.

Said Strowman "Obviously it is more fun to annihilate things with your fists, but with the busy lives we are all living these days, sometimes you need a quicker alternative than slowly squeezing the last breath out of one of gods creations" He continued "which is why in my eight part series, I'm going to discuss the best tools of annihilation to use in different situations, and which one is right for each member of your family - from a small calibre pistol for the baby, to semi automatics rifles like the Remington R-45for Dad, all in time for the holiday shopping season"

Strowman has great plans for the show and has an exciting climax planned for the season one finale. "I don't want to say too much, but lets just say I bring down a helicopter with a tank mounted surface to air missile launcher, but here's the kicker - I fire it from my shoulder with my bare hands!"

Upon learning of the show, and Brauns love of guns, the world let out a collective shudder of fear.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Charlotte Names "Career Boost" as Dream 'Mania Opponent

Charlotte Flair, former WWE womens champion and recent victim of the disturbing trend of hacking celebrities nude pictures, has named her dream Wrestlemania opponent in a blatant attempt to not only get on the card of the 'Grandaddy of them All' but to try and steal some headlines from other performers.

Said Flair, who has clearly inherited her fathers aptitude for self promotion (but hopefully for her
This is the entirety of
Charlottes 'Vision Board'
sake, not his penchant for banging 10,000 random strangers) "Obviously we have a lot of really talented ladies here in the WWE, and it would be an honor to face Becky (Lynch), Bayley, Sasha or an of the many, many deserving opponents, but there are two who really stand out. I would love to face Ronda Rousey, she is so amazing and she is the leader of the Four Horsewomen and my dad was th leader of the Four Horsemen, so the storyline writes itself. Plus, she is the biggest PPV draw in the world and I can attach myself to her like a barnacle on a rusty boat - just think of all the publicity!  It would totally be worth having my face smashed in by a legit fighter"

And her other opponent?  "If I couldn't face Ronda, then my other dream match would be against Stephanie McMahon. I know she isn't a wrestler, but as the second in command of the whole company, you just know our match would be pushed to the moon!"
"So yeah, basically I'm a publicity whore, just like my father, except he didn;t care about the publicity, he was just a regular whore"

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

WWE "All In" On Pissing On NWA Legacy

No sooner had the WWE reversed it's long held stance of refusing to use other promotions ideas, than it has announced that it is going "All In" on ripping off the NWA, and the initiatives of the late Dusty Rhodes.

Said WWE junior writer Jed Fugelstein "I just think everyone figured that Vince (McMahon) wouldnt go for anything that Dusty came up with, but then when the Raw ratings starting tanking worse than ever and out of the blue I just blurted out 'why not do a War Games, we own the rights anyway' and regretted it immediately. I was positive I was going to be fired on the spot but all of a sudden, this creepy grin appeared on the bosses face and he screamed "I love it", then he ordered us to watch as much old NWA stuff as we could because we are going "All In" on ahem, recycling, the ideas that Dusty, Ole and Jim Herd came up with"

Just as fans started getting excited about it, the company announced that the War Games match would
Mahal main-eventing is still
better than Ronnie Garvin
be relegated to an NXT show, which amply demonstrated how much support the company is giving the concept.

Fugelstein continued "Then, HHH announced we were resurrecting Starrcade. I mean,  I never thought we would do the one show that predates Wrestlemania, but then he told us that Jinder Mahal was going to be in the main event and suddenly it all became crystal clear"  "Yep we are going to spend the next three years copying and then pissing on these ideas. From a great height"

Anaysts have predicted that future shows could include the Tower of Doom with Baron Corbin and Big Cass against the whole Smackdown heel roster, Future Shock, comprising a round robin tournament of Fandango, Kalisto, Heath Slater and El Torito and the return of the BattleBowl featuring, actually, even the WWE couldn't make that idea any worse no matter what they do with it

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Corgans Plans for the NWA

New owner of the NWA, 'Bald' Billy Corgan has been discussing his plans for the promotion and what he feels wrong with the industry at the moment.

“Wrestling has become kind of more insular and I think that’s hurt the business overall. Now to somebody who’s more of a hardcore fan, you could argue they’re getting more of what they want. But I would certainly argue that it’s hurt wrestling overall with the general mainstream fans. Thats why I'm going to bring in the kind of names that have mass appeal - the JYD's, the Barry Windhams and that hot young star Tommy Rich"

and we have a commitment
from the Dumont Network
for a weekly show!
On trying to have the NWA target younger fans: “We are going to target the general fan. Wrestling needs to get younger in terms of the audience it’s after. I think wrestling as a business a lot of times
kind of shrugs its shoulders how they track the 15- to 25-year-olds. I would argue if you can’t do that, you’re not going to have much of a future anyway. So we are going to have all the latest computer graphics for the TV show by using my Commodore 64 and get this, we will have entrance music when the guys come to the ring, probably Nickelback songs, I'm a big fan" He continued "but we won't be ignoring our older fans, I have already sent a personal invite to one of the NWA's most legendary champions to be the new Commissioner - yep, Shane Douglas will be a fine figurehead for the relaunched company.

Monday, 13 November 2017

ROH Still Bad at Naming Events

Ring of Honor, the inexplicably still solvent wrestling promotion has gone above and beyond in it's quest to give it's events the most ridiculous names imaginable.

Like New Japan but on mushrooms
Not content with it's previous success with ludicrously monickered events such as 'Man Up' (2007), 'Border Wars' (2012) and 'Hostage Crisis' (2012), all of which sound like bad Steven Seagal movies, the company has taken it to a new level in 2017.  Said company spokesman Brian Horstein "we felt we were losing our edge for a while there, but when creative came up with  'Chris Jericho's Rock n Wrestling Rager at Sea' we knew we were back in the game of shit event names!"

He continued "we are branching out into clunky names, you know the ones that look like a Japanese
sentence run through Google Translate"

"A case in point is our upcoming 'Sunshine State Excellence Event' , I mean, what the fuck kind of title is that?, it's brilliant! But wait until 2018, we have some barnstormers coming up like 'Super Happy Fun Wrestling Time' and 'The Slam, Suplex Boing Boing Hour'"

"Seriously, we are just trolling fans now"

Billy Corgan "Nearly Left Wrestling" After TNA

During a recent interview with The Chicago Tribune, Billy Corgan discussed his plans for the NWA, and how he nearly quit the wrestling business after his dealings with TNA. 

It's been a rough couple of...decades
“The way the whole TNA thing went down, I felt pretty strongly there for a while there that maybe I should just get out of the business, but then I came to my senses and realised that TNA hasn't produced anything that could be classed as wrestling in years, so phew! I felt so reinvigorated about the sport that I went straight out and bought the NWA!  I honestly feel this is the best decision I have made since I shagged Courtney Love, but hopefully this one won't require penicillin.

HHH Continues to "Tease" Wresting Rock at Mania

Speaking to a group of fans in Portugal, HHH, the man who booked himself to 37 world titles threatened teased the prospect of him facing The Rock at Wrestlemania 34.

“Lately, for whatever reason, there has been speculation about myself and The Rock. I have put it out
I'm just as succesful as him.
 I have a pipe and everything
there, and he has put it out there. Actually that's not true, he hasn't put it out there because he has been really busy being the most famous man in the world, but I would love to step in the ring with him one more time. I assume he would say the same thing if he had the time between making and promoting billion dollar movies, and that he wants nothing more than to do it at Wrestlemania.  At this point in time there has been no formal conversations had, so I don’t want to get people too excited, especially me, but if the opportunity came up, I know he would be honored to lose to me again"

Immediately following the release of this transcript, the WWE has released a pre-sale discount code for the event in New Orleans.