Nia Jax, the six foot, 240lb monster of the WWE Womens division has been granted a leave of absence by the company after storming out of Monday Night Raw.
The decision to grant Jax the unplanned and unrequested leave came after she got pissed off about being made to again look stupid on the show, and still not being the women's champion despite being the fucking obvious choice.
When she sneezes it causes a 5.0 scale earthquake |
Jax was already on edge after her best friend in the company and lapdog, Neville quit the WWE a day earlier. On Monday, she reportedly reached her limit of crappy treatment by the company, fllipped the catering table without anything actually eating anything (which shows how mad she was) before heading to the exit, with extreme prejudice.
A number of male wrestlers attempted to restrain Jax without success. (Side note, Big E Langston, Darren Young and Luke Gallows will be unavailable for house shows next week due to undisclosed injuries)
She then broke through a wall, flipped an ambulance in the car park (for real - eat that Strowman) before stomping through the streets of Portland, scaring Japanese tourists shouting "Gojira!" as she passed.
Throughout the rampage, WWE COO HHH tried to initially order her to calm down, then ask nicely, before pleading on his knees not to hurt anyone before calling after her "So we will call this unplanned leave yeah? Cool, thats totally cool, enjoy your time off, please don;t punch that police horse, aww shit, she did it"