The rematch between Roman Reigns and Universal Champion and human breach of the Geneva Convention Brock Lesnar has long been expected to headline Wrestlemania 34 in New Orleans, but rumors are circulating that the bout has been moved forward to Summerslam in August.
Vince nearly shit a brick when he realised
this would have to be papered more than
a math teachers house at Halloween |
Many have speculated on the reasons why this might be, from an eagerness to place Reigns in the top spot, to making Summerslam a must-see event, but the real reason was revealed in an off-the-cuff remark made by WWE Chairman in a recent interview with the weekly podcast. Said McMahon "We need to sell a buttload of tickets, plain and simple" He continued "and Roman Reigns couldn't sell that place out if he promised a free handjob and an new iPhone with every ticket. I mean, have you seen the size of that f**king place, it's enormous! There's no way holy hell we are filling it was that charisma free doofus on top".
On being reminded that the UWF used to regularly sent tens of thousands of tickets to the Superdome in the 1980's, McMahon hit back "yeah, but they had JYD and everybody loved him, especially his coke dealer" "Actually, that could work, maybe if we get Roman ripped to his tits he might develop a personality. It could kill him but it's a risk I'm willing to take"
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